eep [3:59 PM]
replied to a thread:
if i have a son he will be called samson

and a daughter

Rach [3:59 PM]

Luke [3:59 PM]
@eep truly committed to the meme

eep [3:59 PM]
and for any nb children

Luke [3:59 PM]
I approve

eep [4:00 PM]
many opportunities there

Luke [4:00 PM]
you could have multiple nb children without risk of name collisions
just an entire family of sam*s

Rach [4:01 PM]
marry a sam

eep [4:01 PM]
if i marry someone who isn’t a sam they will be required to change their name by deed poll to sam

Luke [4:01 PM]
that'll be in the prenup

eep [4:03 PM]
do you, sam, take sam, to be your lawfully wedded sam

Luke [4:03 PM]
I sam

Rach [4:03 PM]
you may now sam the sam

Luke [4:04 PM]
:musical_note: _ sam sam sam
sam sam sam sam
sam sam sam SAM sam sam sam sam sam sam_ :musical_score:

sdhand [4:04 PM]
Wow really enjoying the endless highlights

Stary [4:05 PM]